Bal Chanakya

Ved garbh Sanskar introduce a new project Bal Chanakya
Amazing smart learning system.

We have designed Bal Chanakya for 0 to 3 years old child. Bal Chanakya project is to guide parents for child's over all development It’s a completely online training program for parents Sessions will be conducted once a month

Bal Chanakya includes More than 200 activities:-

  • Creative activity
  • Intellectual activity
  • Educational activity
  • Mind concentrate activities
  • Music
  • Quality inculcation activity etc.

Spiritual activities:

  • Mantra
  • Shlok
  • subhashit ect.

Diet according to Ayurveda:-

  • For mother
  • For child

Why Bal Chanakya?

  • We all know the importance of early age education. But are we aware? why is it so? what should be done for appropriate early age education?
  • Scientists say more than 90% of the brain development takes the place within first five years of a child life.
  • Every child is born with unique qualities. Translating these unique qualities into an excellent being is the job of smart learning system.
  • We heave designed the project "Bal Chanakya" to achieve physical, mental, spiritual emotional, social, intellectual abilities.

Aim of Bal Chanakya is to guide parents for over all development . Because this is the best time for increasing grasping capacity.

Join Bal Chanakya to achieve physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social and intellectual abilities.

Fees structure:-

  • 1 month to 1.5 yrs ( 18months) 1000rs./3 months.
  • Above 1.5yrs to 3.5 yrs 1500rs./3 months

Fill out this form to join our Program

Registration Form